The science of natural zeolites
Natural Zeolites unique crystalline lattice structure contains millions of pores and channels, allowing oxygen to flow in and out of the mineral, while also trapping
Sharing About Application of Natural Zeolite Clinoptilolite – Best 24/7 Technical Support for our clients.
Natural Zeolites unique crystalline lattice structure contains millions of pores and channels, allowing oxygen to flow in and out of the mineral, while also trapping
With the rapid development of industrialization, heavy metal wastewater pollution has become a growing concern. Fortunately, zeolites have emerged as a solution with excellent performance
Did you know that zeolite is commonly used to purify water and help improve soil quality? In addition to its uses in water treatment and air purification。Zeolite can help improve soil quality by increasing water retention and nutrient availability for plants.
Zeolite – Versatile Mineral Zeolite is a naturally occurring mineral that has been used for centuries in various industrial and environmental applications. This unique mineral
Powdered zeolites are used as a desiccant in the lids of drug containers to keep the drug dry. Non-fibrous synthetic zeolites have no known toxicity,
Zeolite in cosmetics is a naturally occurring mineral that is commonly used in cosmetics as an adsorbent and purifier. The amount and formula ratio of
We have built our business through a commitment to helping our customers succeed in their businesses. We apply the “Continuous Quality Improvement” philosophy to meet and exceed all customer expectations and to ensure the delivery of superior products accompanied by a high level of technical support.
At Zeolitemin quality assurance is a key element in our customer satisfaction program, and it’s a way of life at all of our manufacturing facilities. Our production plants are all ISO 9001 certified. Our quality improvement practices optimize all facets of zeolite production, from the laboratory to the plant.
We focus more development of Zeolites in the future and would help you solve more technology situations and provide the best quality products and services.
ZeoliteMin focuses more development of natural zeolite clinoptilolite in the future and would help you solve more technology situations and provide the best quality products and services.To best assist you, please contact with us soon. Where to buy zeolite powder and granules from trust supplier
Xiamen Zeolitemin Biotech Co.,Ltd.
Zone A,No.666 Yangguang Road,
Xinyang Industrial Dist,Haicang,
Xiamen,Fujian 361026
Tel: +86 592 6808851
Fax: +86 592 6808850
Email: marketing@zeolitemin.com
We would share with you about our technology application of using natural rock minerals in animal feed,fertilizer,aquaculture,turf, soil amendment,water treatment, road, pharmaceutical,construction.
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