Poultry Feed Additive- Increased Number of Gradable Eggs

Zeolite is used as Animal Feed Additive for Poultry,that increased feed efficiency and decreases ammonia levels in the poultry houses

Poultry Feed Additive

Using Zeolite Help for Poultry Growing

Natural Zeolite Clinoptilolite is used as feed additive in poultry
Natural Zeolite as an Environmentally Friendly Deodorizer



Today,  Poultry is more and more important to our foods,but it also bring some problem to agriculture farmers. Some farmers focus animal health and future development by step. High ammonia levels decrease gradable egg production in layers and limit production in broiler operations. Various state and federal agencies are mandating ammonia levels be reduced. Frequently the ammonia levels in poultry houses exceed 100 ppm which are considered close to lethal for humans and animals. The introduction of zeolite as feed additive in feed is the most effective means of odor control in poultry operations.

Many farms in North America have eliminated most of their odor and realized greater animal health, welfare, and production by feeding zeolite 2% of the total ratio (by Weight). A thin layer of zeolite as molecular sieve should be applied to the bedding area or to the predominant manure field.


zeolite is used as feed additive in feed of poultry,swine and cows
zeolite increase poultry weight and improve animal health

Using zeolite found that Leghorn chickens required less food and water and still gained as much weight in a 2-week trial as birds receiving a control diet. Feed efficiency values (FEV) were markedly higher at all levels of Zeolite substitution. Feedstuffs containing zeolite gave rise to efficiencies more than 20 percent greater than those of normal rations . 

The droppings of groups receiving zeolite diets contained up to 25 percent less moisture than those of control groups. Consider of 16.5% crude Protein and 66% digestible nutrients. Aflatoxin Control in Poultry.A research study reveals zeolite to be effective and more than offsets the detrimental effects offeeding aflatoxin contaminated feed. Broilers fed 20 pounds of zeolite perton (1%) of finished feed containing 115 ppm of aflatoxin showed improved feed conversion by 5.8 points and the body weight by 5.3 points versus the 115 ppm afatoxin control feed. Broilers fed the Zeolite rations containing 115 ppm aftoxin had a lower feed conversion.

Tests were carried out on 48-day-old Leghorns over a 14-day period, 30 birds/group. Normal rations on by 1.1 points and higher body weight by 3.7 points than the broilers fed rations containing no zeolite and no aflatoxin.

Benefits of UZ-Min Animal Feed Additive (Based Clinoptilolite Zeolite)

In addition to the many benefits outlined in the Feed Supplement Overview at the top of this section, a zeolite amendment in poultry feed also has:

Increased solubility of phosphate in birds. The zeolite exchanges the calcium from
Dicalcium phosphate and makes the phosphate more soluble and better utilized for bones.

The dicalcium phosphate in the feed may be reduced by 50% after testing

  • Increased number of gradable eggs, shell thickness, and egg production
  • Reduced footpad burns from phosphorus
  • Lowered mortality
  • Increased shell thickness
  • Increased nitrogen content of manure and compost. Zeolite fixes the nitrogen in the manure and compost so that it is plant accessible but not water-soluble. It stops the gassing losses of the nitrogen as ammonia. Many of the areas that have been repeatedly fertilized with chicken manure now have phosphate problems. This is a result of a nitrogen imbalance to the plants in their uptake of phosphorous. This problem can be solved by increasing the nitrogen, by the addition of phytase to the feed to solubilize the phosphate in the bird.
  • Egg wash water can be recycled after filtration in a zeolite bed to remove suspended solids and bacteria

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